Communication through texting is a part of everyday life.
- 92% of US Adults Own a Cell Phone
- Texting is the #1 Cell Phone Activity
- 99% of text message are read
- 91% of text messages are read within 3 minutes
It is because of these facts that IOA’s Restaurant Division utilizes this platform to communicate reminders to your store managers about the Monthly Safety Calendar Training and Lesson Plans. Texts are sent on:
- The first day of each month to remind them which safety topic is the topic of the month
- Every Monday to remind them of the safety tip of the week
- The 12th day of each month asking them to respond “Yes” or “No” to the question “Have all of your employees been trained on this month’s safety topic?”
IOA National Restaurant Division
Writing and Servicing
Restaurants for
30 years
Have written over 3,000 restaurants
60 Offices
$1.9 Billion +
in Premiums
Full-service Agency-
Workers’ Compensation,
Property & Liability, Health
Insurance, Employment
Practices, Foodborne
Illness, etc
Exclusive IOA National
Programs for Workers’ Compensation and
Property & Liability
Division that
Specializes in
Restaurant Specific
Safety Programs
that Work